In occasion of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Piazza Fontana’s terrorist slaughter in Milan, SILS -- with Mr. Pastore and Ms. Dendena -- attended the movie premiere “Io Ricordo. Piazza Fontana -- I Remember. Piazza Fontana”. Milan, Piazza Venticinque Aprile, 8 c/o Anteo Cinema Palace, Tuesday 10 December 2019, at 10.15.
The event organized by ASLA “Corporate Compliance – Round Tables 2019”.
SILS met Ms. Augusta Iannini, Mr. Francesco Modaferri and Mr. Luca Natali of Italian Data Protection Authority and Mr. Marco Menegazzo, Chief of Department of Data Protection Inspections of Italian Fiscal Police together with colleagues from other international law firms at the round table organized by the “Unione Giuristi per l’impresa” (UGI) concerning the developments of the GDPR in the first year of application. The round table named “EU Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") After One Year Of Application – Data Protection In The Private Sector: Round Table On The Main Topics With Italian Data Protection Authority”, held at Sala Valente of the Court of Milan on 9 April 2019, discussed the topics concerning the corporate process to comply with GDPR, the role and purposes of Data Protection Officer, the profiling for marketing purposes, the outsorcing and the inspection activities carried out by the Italian Data Protection Authority with the Italian Fiscal Police.
On 12 March 2019 SILS Law Firm presented the new Italian Crisis and Insolvency Code at the Sheraton Diana Majestic in Milan.
SILS met Professor Antonello Soro, President of Italian Data Protection Authority, and Colonel Marco Menegazzo, Chief of Department concerning Data Protection Inspections of Italian Fiscal Police, at the seminar concerning the developments of the GDPR in the first six months of application. The seminar named "Protezione dei dati personali tra GDPR UE e Nuovo Codice Privacy: un primo bilancio applicativo" has been held at Bicocca University, Milan, Wednesday 31 October 2018.

SILS has partecipated in the event "ASLA Diritto al Futuro: The Next Generation of Lawyers". Milan, piazza degli Affari, Palazzo Mezzanotte, Friday 18 May 2018.
On 15 November 2017 SILS Law Firm -- in collaboration with the Italian trade associations ASLA, RINA, ASSINTEL and the participation of Professor Giovanni Ziccardi of the University of Milan -- organized the seminary “Privacy, Certification and Compliance: Directors’ Duties and Liabilities”.